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Hello, my name is Tracy. Here is a little background to my shop and why I started The Little Fabric Company.

I had grown up surrounded by sewing machines, thread and remnants as my mum was, and still is, a talented seamstress who could 'knock up' a pair of curtains in the blink of an eye.

However, it wasn't until 2013 when I had my daughter Olivia that The Little Fabric Company was born. Whilst on maternity leave, I took up sewing and developed a love for beautiful, quality fabric. Money was a little tight so I looked for places to buy remnants of fabric that would allow me to practice my skills. I also like the idea of giving fabric that could have ended in landfill a new purpose.

It was during this time that I started to meet some lovely suppliers who have helped me put together a collection of quality fabric that I can sell at great prices.

Whether you are an accomplished 'stitcher' or new to sewing there is sure to be something for everyone.

Cutting Fabric
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